Monday, June 27, 2011

International Conference on E-Learning (ICEL)

( originally posted on ICTology, imported in September/15)

Glenn & Mike presented a poster at ICEL 2011, in Kelowna, B.C. on June 27-28.

Our poster and the accompanying handouts are here (also on SCRIBD). We are excited to add that our poster was chosen as the 'best poster presentation' at the conference.

ICEL poster: Are we overgeneralizing the competencies of the Millenial Generation

ICEL 2011 Handout Pg1-2

ICEL 2011 Handout Pg2-2

An article based on our results is in the future (nearer we hope, however, a few pressing items need to be dealt with first). After our pilot study, we did have an article published in Volume 3 (starting on page 50) of the MERN Journal, found on the MERN web site as a pdf download.