Glenn, Mike, & Lilli J. are presenting a session called: Inquiries into Technology Based Course Delivery: Lessons Learned at the 2012 MADLaT conference held in Winnipeg, MB on May 4. The session description is:
Online learning is growing in popularity and importance in all levels of education. This presentation focuses on what has been learned about online learning in Southwest Manitoba based on three recent studies conducted at Brandon University. These separate studies looked at: 1) learning modalities and online learning, 2) high school teachers’ perspectives of online learning, and 3) high school students’ perspectives of online learning. Jointly, these studies provide a multifaceted snapshot of online learning. After the findings of each study are highlighted, session participants will be asked to join in a conversation about their experiences in relation to these studies.
Madlat 2012: Inquiries into Technology-Based Course Delivery: Our Lessons Learned
MadLat Handout
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