Saturday, January 19, 2013

Introducing Myself (#etmooc)

Hello fellow mooc-ers, here is my Introduction made using Haiku Deck on my iPad. Wanted to try something new for this, I have had this app for awhile, but never really used it yet. It is easy to use and does a nice enough job. I can see this as a great way tool for digital storytelling. So ... here it is.

Haiku Deck is the best application for creating presentations on iPad
This term is a little crazy for me, I am teaching 4 courses (full load in a term is usually 3) and I am collecting data and starting analysis for my dissertation ... among some other responsibilities like committees, other research projects... I am NOT complaining, just a little warning that I might not contribute as much as I might like to the MOOC. I will be giving it my best shot though! Looking forward to learning & sharing!


  1. Okay, second try...hope it works! I like the platform that you selected. It's nice to see who you are and to view what you see on a daily basis. There are so many Canadians in this class. I've visited the country three time, okay, four. Going across the border for dinner shouldn't count, should it?
    You're certainly a busy person. Perhaps you make a connection with someone in your field, or who may provide your with "connected" support while you work through your dissertation. You never know where you'll go and who you'll meet.
    Glad to meet you!

  2. Haiku Deck is becoming a Slideshow tool of choice - great storytelling. G'day from Perth Western Australia fellow etmoocer. I like having access to the way-things-are-elsewhere; enables a sense of us-ness to form.
    Thanks for sharing
